Born in Danger Read online

Page 16

  He grinned at her. “I’ve waited too long for this moment not to make it last.”

  Bending, he scooped her into his arms and lifted her. She flung her arms around his neck to maintain her balance. Flustered, still reeling from his kisses, she looked around the vacant room. “Suppose someone else comes in?”

  “We won’t be disturbed. And we weren’t followed, I watched. But you can lock the door if you wish.” She freed one hand from around his neck, latched the door and turned back to him, feeling safe, secure and pampered, her stomach contorting in unfamiliar coils. “Now, where were we? In the process of removing your clothes.”

  Embarrassed and breathless, she gulped as he carried her to a bench. “Mmm, Ford, there’s something you should know.”

  “What?” he asked with a tender smile.

  “I’m not very experienced.”

  His stride didn’t falter. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “You don’t understand. I’ve never done this—”

  “In a whirlpool?” He chuckled, his hand caressing her hip in sensual circles. “Neither have I. But I thought we should use a bed for our first time. I’ve reserved a private room off this one.”

  She drew a deep breath and forced the words past her lips. “I’ve never made love before. Period.”

  He didn’t miss a step, but looked down at her, the fires in his eyes flaring so hot he made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world. Cocking one speculative eyebrow, he smiled. “Really?”

  He obviously didn’t know what to say. She’d probably shocked him. She supposed there were few twenty-nine-year-old virgins around. In one way, she wished for sophisticated experience to impress him. In another, she was glad she’d waited. He would be her first lover. She was his; she’d always been his.

  His gaze focused on her mouth, increasing the quicksilver shiver in her stomach. She licked her top lip. “I should have told you before. I just never thought—”

  “You can think . . . later.”

  Grateful he didn’t ask questions about her past while her mind was in shambles, she reveled in the gentle touch of his hand that cupped her chin and skimmed her neck while they kissed. As she molded against him, seeking the closeness she’d fought so long, her breasts swelled. She’d never known she could be so sensitive there. Her nipples hardened, and for the first time in her life, she yearned for a man to touch her breasts.

  Ford had other ideas. He seemed content to hold her on his lap and kiss her while his hands roamed over her back and bottom and thighs. Dizzily, she sought to control the newly awakened desire surging through her, but she couldn’t stop the flow of passion. Either she wanted Ford too badly, or she was too new at making love to rein in her riotous feelings.

  Finally, he broke the kiss to plant a trail of nips along her neck. “Slip the jacket from my shoulders.” He issued instructions between delicious nibbles that had her shaking as she did as he asked.

  With eager hands, she opened his shirt, the tips of her fingers grazing his chest and playing with the fine triangle of hairs that disappeared into the waistband of his pants. While removing his shirt, she smoothed her palms along his chest, lightly exploring his nipples in the process.

  He sucked in his breath.

  Enjoying the power she held over him, she teased him a bit more. This was her chance to caress his sculpted chest, trail her fingers over the ridges of muscles and delve to his rock-hard stomach, run her hands leisurely across him while he sighed in blissful appreciation.

  She discovered he was ticklish.

  And impatient. The wild pulse at his neck told her so. Yet he sat still, letting her do as she wished, watching her with an intensity that set her quivering.

  When she sensed he wouldn’t remain motionless for another second, she scooted off his lap and stood. He rose to his feet, and she unsnapped and unzipped his pants, the sounds loud in the hushed room. He kicked off his shoes and socks, stepped out of his slacks. As if sensing her hesitation to remove his boxer shorts, he took her back into his arms.

  But she wouldn’t turn coward now. Wriggling loose, she looped her thumbs into the waistband and tugged the garment down until it fell to the floor. He drew her tightly to him, and while he kissed her, she let her hand rove, marveling at his heat and learning him by touch. And there was a lot of him to learn.

  “My turn,” he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver of anticipation straight to her toes.

  But he didn’t remove her clothes, just stared into her eyes. She moistened dry lips. “Do you require my help?”

  He breathed softly, and languidly met her gaze in an audacious yet sensual way. “Just stand still.”

  “Don’t count on it.”

  When he walked behind her and unzipped her dress, her knees weakened. He grazed her skin with his fingertips, parted the material at her shoulders and eased her arms from her sleeves and then down past her hips while she held her breath. The dress rustled, and he moved slowly, teasing her in ways that felt both naughty and very, very nice.

  He peeled her underwear off without touching her breasts. She remained standing, conscious of her nakedness, suffering momentary shyness and waiting for his touch to reassure her. At the sound of water splashing, she looked over her shoulder. He lifted a soapy cloth from a bucket and drizzled the warm sudsy water over her breasts.

  “A whirlpool bath requires a wash before stepping into the tub,” he told her with a husky tone.

  Obviously his idea of a bath and hers were two different things. Her fingers trembled as it occurred to her that he intended to go much slower than she wanted.

  She hurried him along by turning completely around. “I’m not going to make it to the bath.” Ignoring her words, he dropped his gaze from her eyes to her lips to her breasts. When he grinned like a starving man eyeing a feast, she’d never been more grateful for her overabundance. He swirled the cloth along her collarbone, the water raining down in fiery rivulets, and she squirmed under his lightest touch.

  Arching her back, she reached for him. “I’ve waited long enough,” she gasped. “Don’t make me wait anymore.”

  “Let me rinse off the soap, so I can dry you.”

  He lifted a bucket over her head, and she raised her face to the water and arched her back, hoping the clear rinse water would cool her hot flesh. The fever he’d created, the one only he could cure, burned her.

  Being one with him consumed her. She used every ounce of willpower to refrain from tackling him to the wooden decking and demanding he make love with her.

  Finally, he took her hand and led her to a door she hadn’t noticed before.

  “Wait, I need a towel.”

  He grinned. “What for?”

  “You said you’d dry me.”

  “And I fully intend to keep that promise. I’ll dry you with my tongue.”

  They never made it to the bed but eased onto a thick terry towel just inside the door. He made good on his promise, licking the water from her flesh and creating such provocative sensations she gasped in sheer mindless pleasure.

  When his lips closed over first one nipple and then the other, shock waves surged through every aching nerve. She moaned, soft little erotic noises. He found the curves of her breasts and gently fondled her until she writhed, frenzied and out of control.

  “Please,” she begged barely recognizing her voice, so redolent of pleasure.

  “Please what?”

  “Now. I want you inside me, now.”

  He claimed her mouth while he parted her thighs. His fingers slipped between her curls and found her slick, warm and ready. Frantic with wanting him, she arched her back to meet him.

  Ignoring her demand, he continued an extended, carnal exploration with his fingers that left her gasping and crying out hoarse whimpers of bliss. Unbearable need had her cl
utching his shoulders, his hips, demanding an end to the searing desire.

  “Easy,” he said in a low, husky voice. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Going easy is killing me. Do it.”

  When he hesitated, she seized his hips and arched to meet him. She felt no pain, only scintillating pressure as he filled her, stretching her.

  His eyes smoldered, and the pulsing muscle in his jaw revealed his effort to hold back. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m tingling all over. I didn’t know you would feel so good.”

  “Patience. The best is yet to come.”

  He moved slowly, letting her become accustomed to him. She quickly learned that she liked best the long sensual strokes that quickened in tune to the beat pulsing inside her.

  With her head thrown back and her eyes closed, she felt wanton, wonderful, pure woman. He caressed her breasts, his fingers plucking at her nipples, taking her over the edge. She gasped his name. He kissed her again. A moment later, his body shuddered with release.

  Afterward, he held her gently, his hands smoothing the hair from her face. “Next time, we’ll go slower,” he promised.

  The idea of a next time pleased her. Her life changing so incredibly in just a few short hours was wonderful and frightening. Yet, Ford hadn’t promised her a thing. He hadn’t indicated his feelings. He might consider their lovemaking no more than a pleasant interlude. So while she’d given him her body, at least she could keep her pride, and she bit back words of love. Instead, she gave in to the fiery sensations overtaking her once more.

  As his tongue swirled over her breasts with the delicacy of baby’s breath, she lost herself in pure feeling. He made love to her so many times she lost count. Eventually they returned to the whirlpool and soaked. While they didn’t sleep that night, she regretted waiting so long, sensing their time together whirring to a resolution. Tomorrow they would fly back to the States. Tomorrow, she would begin to lose him.

  Chapter Eleven

  AFTER THEIR PLANE landed in New Orleans, Ford held Devin back when she started to stand. “Let the other passengers deplane first.”


  “I’ve arranged round-the-clock protection. I’d like to take you to my home or my parents’ home, but we’d be too easy to find. Until the Black Rose is caught, I’m not risking your life.”

  But it’s my life.

  While she couldn’t fault him for protecting them, and felt good that he still wanted her with him, she was miffed that once again he’d forgotten to discuss the arrangements. But she was too travel-weary to protest. She’d been sitting for so long she’d swear her body had permanently molded to the shape of the seat.

  In some ways, Ford appeared to be the same man who’d made love to her, at first tenderly, then furiously, and again gently. Until he’d held her in his arms, she hadn’t known what it felt like to be cherished, wanted, needed. And it felt damn good.

  Yet, in other ways, he was very different today.

  Today he broadcast focused intensity. Once his world enveloped him, she lost him. Sharing his life when he didn’t slow down long enough between phone calls for her to ask questions seemed impossible. On the plane, he’d eaten dinner as he negotiated for the holographic imaging company in Silicon Valley. While she read a magazine, he’d sent a prime breeding stallion from his Ocala horse farm to Jacques in France. Even she knew a former Kentucky Derby winner had to be worth a fortune, and she admired his generous gesture. But still, she was annoyed that he hadn’t consulted her about security arrangements.

  Just then, two large men captured her attention as they entered the plane, their eyes darting in professional sweeps. Although Ford was tall, these men towered over him by several inches, and each man moved with the grace of an athlete, sporting honed muscles over big frames.

  “Where did you find them?” she asked.

  “They are all ex-Secret Service agents who work for Norton Industries.”

  The bodyguards escorted them off the plane to the tarmac and a waiting limousine. “Has the bullet-proof glass been installed in the office windows at Norton?” Ford asked after he settled her inside the limo.

  “Yes, sir,” said the team leader in the front seat, who’d introduced himself as the Doctor. “But the renovations to your home are not yet finished. Martin briefed us at headquarters this morning and said to bring you to his house. With the high walls around his property, we can protect you better there than at a hotel.”

  “Martin put you on the job this morning?”

  “Yes, sir. About an hour ago. We just flew in from guarding an oil tanker in the gulf.”

  “How big is your team?”

  “Four men and two dogs,” the Doctor said.

  “Are you rested and alert?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  While Devin admired Ford’s thoroughness, she wondered if he’d mind if she checked the backgrounds on these men once they arrived. Or had he already done so?

  “How long has your team been together?”

  “Five years.”

  “Good. If I like your work, you’ll receive a bonus.”

  The Doctor didn’t crack a smile. “Thank you, sir. We haven’t yet checked out either house. It’ll take a day or two for us to be up to speed.”

  “Not good enough. You have until tonight when Norton Industries hosts the annual stockholders meeting.”

  As the limo pulled out of Moisant International, New Orleans’ airport, onto Highway 10, heading toward City Park, Devin focused on Ford. Although she would have preferred that he’d discussed his action with her, she approved of his using bodyguards, it made her job easier. Now while the hired men watched entrances and exits, she’d only have to worry about protecting him.

  The necessity of hiding behind bullet-proof glass was all her fault. If she hadn’t kidnapped him, he wouldn’t need bodyguards. Her heart skipped as she realized he’d be a prime target tonight. When he spoke, he’d be spotlighted on the stage of one of the largest hotels just outside the French Quarter. There was no surefire way to protect him, and with a company as successful as his, Norton must have thousands of stockholders.

  The Doctor shook his head. “I suggest you cancel the speech.”

  “I agree.” She took Ford’s hand.

  He shook his head. “There’s too much riding on this meeting for me to avoid an appearance. However, I’ve made preparations, a glare-proof, bullet-proof glass screen will shield the stage. The manufacturer assures me the screen won’t be detected by the audience.”

  “How tall is the screen?” the bodyguard asked.

  “Twenty feet. That should cover anyone with a rifle in the balcony.”

  The Doctor whistled. “You don’t believe in doing things halfway.”

  “What happens if the Black Rose discharges a weapon at the glass?” Devin asked. “Could a ricocheting bullet injure the audience?”

  Ford squeezed her hand. “No chance of that. The glass absorbs almost all the projectile’s momentum.” He spoke again to the Doctor. “Martin has a layout of the building we rented for the evening. Hire extra men if you need them, but no one you haven’t known for at least two years. I don’t want a surprise coming at our backs.”

  As they drove from the airport, Ford briefed the Doctor on the Black Rose. Devin saved her energy and contributed nothing more to the conversation. She marveled at Ford’s vigor. He’d made love all night and written his speech between phone calls on the way back. Tonight he would host his most important meeting of the year.

  If he’d slept, she hadn’t caught him with his eyes closed. She wouldn’t be surprised if he dropped with exhaustion, but he looked as energetic and rested as if he’d just spent a week lolling on the beach.

  Ford had taken care of everything, which left her nothing to do but worry. Her neck pri
ckled, and she looked around warily.

  MARTIN’S HOME WAS surrounded by a brick wall and a guarded gate, seemingly safe enough. The driver stopped, rolled down the electric window a mere inch and conferred with a third guard. While Devin breathed in a whiff of balmy air, she memorized the guard’s plain-faced features, wondering why her sixth sense had kicked in when she saw nothing to arouse her suspicion.

  The three-story house with columns, gallery and a wing on each end had been beautifully restored. Massive live oaks shaded empty and immaculate lawns. There were no sudden shadows or movements behind the windows. The conversation around her was normal. Yet, the scent of danger strangled the air.

  “Grounds are secure, sir,” the guard reported.

  The Doctor leaned toward the window. “Any problems?”

  “None out here. We haven’t been inside yet.”

  The Doctor shut his window. “You folks stay in the car until I check out the house.”

  While the driver and the Doctor entered the house, Devin fidgeted in her seat and turned to Ford. “Surely we’re safe in the yard. Your man just said so. I’d like to stretch my legs a bit.” And she wanted a look around. All this security was great, but she needed to allay her misgivings. She’d never forgive herself if she ignored her instincts and failed to protect the man she loved.

  Ford accompanied her as she exited the car. “I’m sorry if I’ve ignored you. I hadn’t planned to be out of touch so long, and there were lots of details to clear up.”

  His cell phone rang. Ford answered, and she waited impatiently until he hung up.

  “That was the bank investigator I hired. He traced the bank wires from London to Rio to Serbia to an account in Amsterdam. The money is still there.”

  Devin’s hopes rocketed. “All of it?”

  “Not one penny was touched.”

  “Did he get a name?”

  “He should have one within the hour.” The phone rang again, and Ford answered. “Hi, Max.”

  She wandered away and gave him the privacy to speak with his brother. Ford kept the call short and joined her within minutes. “My life isn’t always this hectic.”